1. SNSequate::ACTmKB
    Scores on two 40-items ACT mathematics test forms
  2. SNSequate::CBdata
    Observed (raw) score values for two different tests
  3. SNSequate::KB36
    Data on two 36-items test forms
  4. SNSequate::KB36.1PL
    Difficulty parameter estimates for KB36 data under a 1PL model
  5. SNSequate::KB36_t
    Data on two 36-items test forms
  6. SNSequate::Math20EG
    Scores on two 20-items mathematics tests.
  7. SNSequate::Math20SG
    Bivariate score frequencies on two 20-items mathematics tests.
  8. SNSequate::SEPA
    A sample of observed score values for two different forms of the SEPA test.